La empresa estatal acaba de concluir un importante programa de mantenimiento en su mina subterránea El Teniente y ahora se ...
La mesa directiva de la estatal realizó la reunión correspondiente a febrero en las instalaciones mineras de Saladillo y ...
Un hecho que fue calificado como “histórico” por la estatal. Codelco y Anglo American alistan anuncio de operación conjunta de la división Andina y Los Bronces Desde Codelco explicaron que el objetivo ...
In a letter to the local regulator, Codelco said its board of directors approved a deal to operate its Andina mine alongside Anglo American's flagship Los Bronces mine in central Chile outside the ...
A massive power blackout struck much of Chile, leaving residents of Santiago without electricity and interrupting mining operations in the world's biggest copper producing country.
A large power outage struck vast swaths of Chile on Tuesday, interrupting mining operations in the world's biggest copper ...
The Los Bronces and Andina mines represent approximately 2% of global copper resources, with around 60mt of contained copper. "Anglo American signs $5bn deal with Codelco for Chilean copper mines ...
A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Anglo’s 50.1% owned subsidiary Anglo American Sur and Codelco in which they will optimise the mining and processing capacity of their neighbouring ...
AAS and Codelco will retain full ownership rights ... “Building on that growth pipeline, Los Bronces and Andina present obvious and significant adjacency benefits and together represent ...
Anglo American posted a $3.1 billion loss on Thursday after a writedown of its De Beers diamond business, as it presses on with shedding unwanted assets.