Superman reveals a badass capability of his new costume that is guaranteed to make the Dark Knight green with envy. (Trust us ...
Superman is set to be the lynchpin in James Gunn and Peter Safran’s rebooted DCU, but the flagship project recently ran into ...
Batman has had many redesigns over the years, and while some of them have changed the game for future Batman designs, others ...
While Batman eventually ditched his tights in favor of a darker, more militant type of body armor, Superman held strong with his second-skin suit. And although we’ve certainly seen a variety of ...
In episode #2114 of The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast, movie director Zack Snyder discussed how the ratings board compromised his film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. During a ...
With Batman, Superman, and Robin in Atlantis trying to ... If there’s a main plot here, it’s the fight with Woodrue. After all, this is a superhero comic where they fight supervillains.