The Houston-based company put its Athena spacecraft on the moon just after 12:30 p.m. ET. The landing site is closer to the lunar south pole than any human or vehicle has traveled before.
Many people have heard the name of Orestes, a prominent figure of ancient Greek mythology, but how many of us know his ...
Ever wondered which Greek god or goddess you’re most like?Greek mythology refers to the body of myths concerning Greek gods & ...
the Roman goddess, rather than Athena, “because they learned Latin in school, not ancient Greek, and therefore were familiar with the Latin names of deities,” Manchester tells Elena Goukassian ...
In fact, entasis is the Greek word for tension or swelling ... to celebrate the birthday of the goddess Athena. [The procession was part of the Panathenaic, or "all-Athenian," festival, the ...
and Athena her epithet, from a temple room where young girls wove sacred textiles used in the worship of the goddess. (The word parthenon in its Greek form means "of the virgins.") A similar cult ...
The company has now grown from 250 employees to about 450. Athena is an ancient Greek goddess who represents wisdom, warfare and justice and is the protector of the city of Athens. Often depicted ...