But the skeptics form a small minority ... The pharaoh built many temples to himself, but only at Abu Simbel did dignity triumph over the vulgarity of profuse ornamentation.
The two Temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae are the most illustrious of the Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (Egypt), listed as World Heritage since 1979.
This outstanding archaeological area contains such magnificent monuments as the Temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae, which were saved from the rising waters of the ...
Some of the greatest monuments on any tour of Egypt bear his stamp: Abu Simbel, Karnak and Luxor Temples, the Ramesseum, and many others. He also commissioned the largest monolithic statue ever ...
A film on the archaeological significance of the huge Egyptian temples of Abu Simbel and their dissection and removal, stone by stone, to higher grounds out of the reach of the waters of the Nile. on ...
The solar alignment occurs on February 22 and October 22 each year, which are days associated with the agricultural and harvest seasons for the ancient Egyptians. Tourists admire the colossal ...
More than 3,000 years ago, between the first and second cataracts on the West Bank and the Nile, the Egyptian Pharaoh commanded a colossal temple, and a smaller one along with it, to be carved out of ...